Procrastination definition
Procrastination is delaying or postponing a task or set of tasks. Procrastination can be defined as the force that prevents you from following through on what you set out to do.
Procrastination is the act of putting off a task until a later time. The longer we put off a task, the more difficult it becomes to accomplish. Stopping procrastinating allows tasks to be easier to complete.
Why stop procrastination?
Procrastination is an obstacle for many people because it can cause adverse effects on a person’s life. It is one of the major barriers blocking you from getting up, making the right decisions, and living the dream life you’ve thought of.
Recent studies have shown that people regret more the things they haven’t done than they have done.
When you procrastinate, you waste time that you could invest in something meaningful. Today’s world is conducive to procrastinating, and learning how to overcome it is one of the most important skills you can understand.
A pre-law student who has anxiety and depression said, “Netflix and all of the streaming sites have proven to be hazardous for my productivity, as I have become effortlessly addicted to them as a means of distraction and procrastination.” (source)
Why do people procrastinate?
Procrastination is a complex dilemma, and different people experience it for various reasons. The psychological mechanism behind procrastination has been studied extensively, and there are several reasons people procrastinate.
Understanding why you procrastinate is key to overcoming the habit, and you can find this information in this blog post.
People commonly procrastinate for several reasons, including feeling overwhelmed or stressed. Certain aspects of the task may be more complicated than it seems, and people may feel like they don’t have the skills to complete it. External factors can also cause procrastination, such as deadlines or pressure from others.
Decision paralysis
Decision paralysis is a common problem that can prevent people from making important decisions. Sticking to a unique set of decision-making rules or outsourcing some decisions to a partner, friend, or co-worker may help overcome decision fatigue.
Ignoring The Value of Time
Time is the most valuable commodity you have.
People often procrastinate on tasks associated with outcomes (e.g., punishments or rewards) that they will only experience a while after completing the task since people discount the value of outcomes that are far in the future.
The relationship between the time to receive a reward and the perceived value is usually inconsistent as the rate of discounting decreases.
Hyperbolic discounting is a phenomenon in which the perceived value of rewards is based on how far away they are from now rather than their actual value.
Exponential discounting is a time-consistent model of temporal discounting. An increased delay before receiving a reward always has the same effect on its perceived value, regardless of how far in the future it is.

Procrastination is the act of putting off a task until a later time. The longer we put off a task, the more difficult it becomes to accomplish.
Lack of self-discipline
Lack of self-discipline is closely linked to rumination or becoming fixated on negative thoughts. To be disciplined, you need to have the proper motivation and learn to maintain and work on positive habits. Psychology has identified various drivers of procrastination, from low self-confidence to anxiety.
Types of motivation
Motivation is a significant part of a successful marketing strategy. Motivation is the force that keeps people going when faced with complex tasks or tasks that are not going as planned. However, motivating people to do something cannot be easy when they don’t see its value.
Extrinsic motivation (rewards and punishments) lowers performance.
Goal-based motivation (driven by results) causes hedonic adaptation, leading to unhappiness and decreased dopamine.
Intrinsic motivation (meaning and vision) is the strongest motivation because it lasts and is based on personal desires rather than chasing goals.
Myth: We Work Better Under Pressure
Scientific studies show that the opposite is true-putting things off until the very last minute creates fertile ground for stress, guilt, and ineffectiveness.
Some reasons we procrastinate include tiredness, fear of failure, distractions, and avoidance tactics.
Excuses we use to justify our behavior include:
- That we are most productive under pressure.
- That we will get it done tomorrow if we wait.
- That it’s not a big deal.
Researchers found that there are 15 key reasons people procrastinate.
Some reasons include the following:
- Not realizing what needs to be done.
- Not knowing how to do something.
- Not wanting to do something.
- Not caring if it gets done or not.
- Fear of success
- Waiting for the right moment
- Delaying one task in favor of working on another
How to stop procrastinating
Procrastinating can lead to many problems, such as being late for work, not completing projects, and not taking care of your health. It’s hard to stop procrastinating, but you can do it.
- Using these tools can help you stop procrastinating
- Use a timer to help you stay on task.
- Use positive reinforcement to keep yourself motivated.
- Create a rewards system for when you meet your goals.
- Take brief breaks occasionally to relax and revitalize yourself.
- Make the task more achievable by breaking it down into smaller steps.
- Make a to-do list.
- Take baby steps.
- Recognize the warning signs of procrastination and do your best to resist the urge
- Eliminate distractions
Understanding Procrastination
Procrastinators are often perfectionists, for whom it may be psychologically more acceptable never to tackle a job than to face the possibility of not doing it well.
They may be so highly concerned about what others will think of them that they risk their futures to avoid judgment.
Procrastination often stems from a lack of motivation or interest in completing a task.
There is no simple answer to whether procrastination serves any purpose, but some believe it helps build momentum and decrease anxiety about work tasks.
I hope these tips help you understand why you procrastinate and help you work on doing tasks now and not waiting until the last minute if you are ready to make business goals check out my blog on how to set goals for your business.