While Pinterest is a great way to share ideas and get inspiration, it is also a great way to market your business. You can create a board specifically for your brand and pin items relevant to what you do, whether it be products or services. Start your Pinterest marketing off right. I’ve made these mistakes on Pinterest. I want to help you avoid the mistakes I’ve made.
Here are eight common Pinterest mistakes.
Using a personal account instead of a business account.
A Pinterest business account provides you with in-depth analytics to measure your Pinterest marketing efforts. It also increases your domain quality by verifying your website and creating rich pins. This signals to Pinterest that you are a legitimate business owner who’ll be around for some time – which will help build trust.
Having a lot of unrelated boards on your business account
For example, say you’re a fashion blogger but love the DIY project to do with your kids. By making the DIY project board secret, you can pin it but only provide fashion-related content to your targeted audience.

Pinning the wrong size pin
Pinterest favors 2:3 vertical images. Use 1000 x 1500 for the size of your pin. This is because people easily bypass square images when scrolling their feeds on mobile, which most Pinners use. Also, long, narrow giraffe pins started to get truncated on the bottom, so you also want to avoid them.
Not paying enough attention to pin design.
Does your pin design make people curious enough to stop scrolling their feeds? Are the texts on your pins easy to read? Are the colors harmonious, or are they hurting people’s eyes?
Treating Pinterest like social media
• Visual = People are clicking on images that catch their attention.
• Search engine = For people to find your pins, you need to have proper keywords on them.
• Keywords are important if you want to see success with your Pinterest marketing.
•, Unlike Instagram or Facebook, where you can get by posting pretty pictures and short motivating captions, Pinterest is a visual search engine.
Pinning the same image back to back
Don’t pin the same image back to back. For example, you can create ten pins for each blog post, but don’t use the same image/picture. Instead, change something on each pin. I try never to use the same image more than once.
Being on dead group pins
90% of group boards are over, but there are a few that can help your Pinterest marketing. Every month, analyze your group boards and leave underperforming ones. There are a few group boards worth being on. As I created my Pinterest course, I noted all the excellent performing group boards. I will provide a list as part of the course.
Not using video pins
The best video pins have a video of you and captions. But there are other ways to create video pins (previously known as idea pins). Yes, you can post your Instagram reels as idea pins. I’m including an idea pin workbook and planner for you! Instant download.