How to Pitch Yourself to Podcasts

Podcast pitching is great for business owners looking to expand their influence and visibility in their industry. As a virtual assistant, I have done a lot of podcast pitching for others. “Pitch” is the process of sending an email to a podcast. For example, I’ve podcast pitched for coaches and astrologers. I’ve been able to get clients on big-name podcasts. Here is what I’ve learned about how to pitch yourself to podcasts effectively. 

The first step is to decide what criteria the podcast must have. Do you want to be on brand new podcasts? Do the number of reviews matter? Do they need at least a 4-star rating on Apple? 

Then, I list all podcasts that fit the client’s niche and other criteria. I usually do this on a spreadsheet in GoogleDrive. I have the podcast’s name, the host’s name, and a link to their contact info or email address on the spreadsheet. I also leave a field for pitch dates and any notes.

If you’re not sure which podcasts to pitch yourself to, search for podcasts in a related field and see who they’ve interviewed before so that you can get an idea of their approach.

After the podcast is booked, I highlight the podcast name. I leave a note and cross out the podcast on the spreadsheet if it’s a no. 

Sounds simple, right? But there is much more to podcast pitching than just sending many cold emails. 

You must be familiar with the podcast.

If I’m not already familiar with the podcast, I listen to at least one episode before pitching. If all their episodes are long, I may listen to only half of the show to get a feel of what they are about. 

Once you’ve decided which podcasts are a good fit, find out their criteria for accepting interviews. For example, if they’re looking for “personal stories and uniqueness,” then your chances of getting on their show will be much higher than if they only accept guests who other outlets have already interviewed.

The next step in pitching is to figure out which podcasts would best suit the story that you want to tell. Be sure to look at the website to find out what topics are of interest to them. Some podcasts list their subjects on their website.

It’s essential to do your research first and then write the pitch that best fits what they’re looking for. 

TIP: Do not pitch to hosts that say they don’t accept pitches!

Contact form or email?

2022 Update: I’ve found contacting through the person’s contact form, even if you have their email, to be more effective for cold pitches.

The do's and don't of podcast pitching

You should uniquely craft your pitch for each podcast you want to be on. 

Don’t just copy and paste the same email to all the hosts. You’ll need a good hook and an interesting story about yourself or the topic of your podcast.

Like with other formats, make sure that your pitch is concise and specific regarding what they’re looking for in terms of content.

Don’t forget to start the email off with the podcast host’s name. 

picture of headphones

Find out their criteria for accepting interviews. For example, if they’re looking for “personal stories and uniqueness,” then your chances of getting on their show will be much higher than if they only accept guests who other outlets have already interviewed.

Why pitch yourself to podcasts?

Putting your message in front of a new group of people can be very beneficial. It is an excellent way to increase the reach of your message. It gives you a chance to be interviewed by someone who has an audience that may not already know about your work, and it allows you to share your expertise with people who may not otherwise have access to it.

If you have an online business pitching yourself on podcasts can be an excellent way to attract clients.

Warning: Some people will respond rudely. It’s probably about 2% of people, so don’t let that deter you. You are more likely to get a rude response if you send a follow-up email. Maybe the person is having a bad day, or maybe they are extremely dedicated to inbox zero. Either way, I mark these people with an astreik, so I remember not to deal with them when it comes to business.

As far as sending a follow-up pitch, I only do this if the client wants it. I recommend waiting 3-4 weeks for a follow-up if you decide to do that.

Tips for after you get on the podcast

The most important thing about being a guest on a podcast is being your authentic self. However, there are some things to keep in mind before answering a question. First, you should think about the host’s plan and how it may affect your response. Second, if they are interviewing you because of something specific, make sure to go into detail on that topic.

When you are asked a question, the most important thing is to stay true to yourself and your values.

Being a guest on a podcast can be very exciting! But it can also be nerve-wracking. So just remember why you are a guest. You have a unique, interesting story to tell. No one else can tell your story like you.

Interested in starting your own podcast? Check out my blog on starting a podcast for your business!

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