9 Self-Care Tips For Entrepreneurs

Self-care is crucial for entrepreneurs in all stages of their businesses. As business owners, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle, constantly striving for success. But amidst all the late nights and long work hours, taking a step back and prioritizing self-care is essential.

The term self-care came about in the United States in the 1950s. Doctors realized people have to take care of themselves. They can’t do everything for the patient. Then, in the 1960s, the Black Panther Party used the term self-care to fight against systemic racism. Civil rights activists knew they couldn’t depend on the system to help them or care for their health.

Self-care activities include any hobby or action that brings you joy. Taking some time is essential when you’re feeling overwhelmed and stretched thin. This could be taking a walk outdoors, reading your favorite book, cooking your favorite meal, or anything else that makes you happy.

Self-Care Reduces Stress Levels

It’s no secret that stress can affect our mental and physical health. This is especially true for entrepreneurs, who often have to juggle multiple priorities and wear many hats. “When we are under stress, our subconscious mind perceives danger.” – Source

Self-care should be practiced regularly to reduce stress. Taking a break from work to do something you enjoy – whether taking a walk, reading a book, or watching your favorite show – can help rejuvenate you mentally and emotionally, making you more productive when you return to your business.

Here are self-care tips for entrepreneurs. All of these tips won’t work for everyone. But I hope you can find at least one thing from this list to do.

Nine self-care tips for entrepreneurs

  1. Breathe

When we’re busy, it’s easy to forget to take a breath. However, self-care is not just about eating healthy and getting exercise. It’s also about remembering to breathe deeply and mindfully. Mindful breathing has proven benefits, such as helping relieve stress and regulate blood pressure. A simple technique that can help busy entrepreneurs remember to breathe deeply is guided meditation or breathing exercises. Yoga and other guided meditation practices can also be helpful for this purpose. Plenty of apps or podcasts provide these types of activities, like Headspace. The tips in this article are meant to help entrepreneurs focus better.

2. Minimize stress through exercise

Regular exercise has benefits beyond physical health. Regular aerobic exercise boosts memory and learning skills, which helps lower stress levels for busy entrepreneurs. The CDC recommends 150 minutes of exercise per week but does not specifically recommend how much time is spent in the gym or on the treadmill. Take the dog for a walk. Engage in some light desk yoga. Tackle some yard work on your breaks instead of emailing or talking on the phone all day.

3. Get better sleep

There are many benefits to getting a good night’s sleep, such as improved decision-making ability, creativity, and productivity. In addition, a good night’s sleep can help improve your physical health. The number of hours you nap is up for debate – some people need 10 minutes, while others need an hour. Some people believe all napping is bad. I disagree because a nap helps my focus and memory if I have had a long day. Use a sleep app to monitor and fine-tune your sleeping habits. Everyone is different in terms of how much sleep they need, but it is essential to get enough rest to function correctly.

According to the CDC, the cost of not getting enough sleep should not be ignored – adults need at least 7 hours per night. In addition, sleep deprivation is a leading cause of death in the U.S., so getting enough shut-eye every day is essential!

Per the sleep foundation, some indications you are not getting enough deep sleep include:

  • Feeling unrefreshed and drowsy
  • Reduced alertness and attention
  • Trouble learning and forming new memories
  • Cravings for high-calorie food

Self-care should be practiced regularly to reduce stress. Taking a break from work to do something you enjoy – whether it’s taking a walk, reading a book or watching your favorite show – can help rejuvenate you mentally and emotionally.

4. Fuel up to increase energy

When you’re feeling run down, skipping a meal or engaging in unsustainable dieting and toxic cultural messages is tempting. Instead, you must care for your body and yourself to increase velocity.

Nutritional information is so overwhelming that it’s easy to opt for fast food rather than healthy options when busy. However, eating when hungry is important, and avoiding junk food favors healthy meals. In addition, adding herbs to your diet can increase energy levels and moods; some great examples are ginger, turmeric, lavender, basil, and rosemary.

Entrepreneurs should be mindful of their health if they want to use their time over an extended period effectively. Taking care of oneself is vital for running a business and maintaining mental stability during challenging times.


5. Seek Human Interaction

While entrepreneurs are often seen as lone wolves, working in isolation is not always the healthiest or most productive way to work. Seeking human interaction is necessary for entrepreneurs to maintain their mental well-being. This does not mean that you must be surrounded by people all the time – instead, it means taking time out of each day to talk to your favorite people, whether your family, friends, or colleagues. Often simply talking through your problems will help you find a solution.

6. Engage in activities and hobbies outside of work

Finding time for self-care can be challenging if you’re a busy entrepreneur. Sign up for a class or join a group to keep your hobbies fresh. Separate your work and relaxation time so as not to feel too stressed out all the time. Having fun outside work is an excellent way to decompress and can help reduce stress levels. Working from home can benefit business and help you do more in less time by spending quality time with family/friends. However, it’s important to set boundaries to get work done during the hours you want to work.

Spending time on a new hobby can help entrepreneurs reflect and be present-minded in their business ventures. One of my favorite relaxing hobbies is coloring and painting.

7. Create a workspace you love

Having a space that inspires you is important when working on your business. This could be anything from a designated office to a living room corner. When designing your workspace, consider how the space will affect your productivity. For example:

image of an office space. wood desk with a desktop computer on it. Sunlight is coming through the window. Cat is sitting beside the desk.

“No beds or couches, as comfy as that may seem,” she said. “You don’t want your relaxation areas to be associated with work. Keep your phone and laptop out of the bedroom when sleeping, so you’re not constantly connected to work.”

Source: Eurofound and the International Labour Office (2017), Working anytime, anywhere: The effects on the world of work, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, and the International Labour Office, Geneva

-Are there enough outlets for all of my devices?

-Is the lighting appropriate?

-Do I have plenty of storage for my supplies?

-How will this space make me feel?

In addition to considering the practical aspects of your workspace, don’t forget about creature comforts. A plant can also positively affect wellness and happiness, so consider adding one to your environment. It’s also important to do small acts of self-care every day to maintain your mental health and well-being. Daily breaks, eating healthy foods, and exercising regularly are essential to self-care. And lastly, remember that creating a workspace that reflects your moods and creativity is helpful. As you spend time in your workspace, it’s important not to have too many distractions or clutter. This way, you’ll be able to focus on what’s important—your work!

8. Treat yourself—you deserve it.

Self-care is not always just about indulging in something you enjoy. There are many ways to treat yourself and reward yourself, whether by reading a book or taking a trip. Some people may need to be more creative with their self-care routine since they don’t have the time or money for extravagant gestures. However, being aware of your mental health and taking care of yourself should be a priority for everyone, regardless of how busy they are. So take some time every day for yourself, even if it’s just 10 minutes. And encourage everyone else to do the same!

9. Check in with your mental health.

Regular exercise and sleep will help reduce the risk of depression, mood swings, and loss of motivation in entrepreneurs. Mental health is a way to care for yourself, not just mentally but also physically. Mental wellness includes exercising, eating right, and checking in with yourself throughout the day. Talk to a professional if you’re still struggling with self-care practices after establishing a support system.

I hope these self-care tips for entrepreneurs were helpful. Self-care starts with self-understanding—knowing your needs and doing something about them to make you feel better. Neglecting self-care leads to burnout and physical health problems.

Journal for Black Women

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