Can Pinterest Work for Your Business?

can pinterest work for your business?

Though Pinterest is the platform that generally brings out pictures of home décor, shopping sprees, wedding decorations, tasty recipes, and beautiful travel locations, there is much more to Pinterest than meets the eye, particularly for business, ANY business. People now use Pinterest to drive targeted and long-term site traffic and grow their mailing lists. If … Read more

How to Optimize Old Blog Posts for Pinterest

How to Optimize Old Blog posts for Pinterest. Read more.

Pinterest prefers new blog posts. But you can still optimize older blog posts and make new pins for that content. The magnificence of Pinterest is that Pinterest marketing has an amplifying effect. So your blog post that has been pinned a year ago or maybe more will keep on bringing traffic to your site. You … Read more

Pinterest Marketing Strategies for 2021

Pinterest is experiencing many changes, but it is still excellent for business. Over 400 million people are on the platform and ready to find your content. Here are some tips for marketing on Pinterest. Idea pins (think Instagram) are available in most countries. Videos have been available for a while. The more idea pins and videos you … Read more

Why Use Pinterest for Business?

First, Pinterest is not a social media tool. It is more like Google with pretty images. It’s a visual search engine. When people are searching Pinterest, they are looking for how to do something or to get an idea.  How it is helpful for business owners If you want to reach an audience of over … Read more

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