19 Blog Post Ideas

19 blog post ideas that will get you more traffic

19 Blog Post Ideas for Engaging and Interesting Content Struggling with knowing what to blog? Most bloggers find themselves at an impasse when coming up with new ideas for what to write about. Look at these 17 topics to create compelling, clickable blog posts. These topics represent different types of blog posts, with each one … Read more

The Ultimate SEO Checklist

The following SEO checklist is designed to help you optimize your website for maximum SEO results. Some optimizations are site-wide, while others apply to individual pages. To get a free copy of this checklist, go here. SEO is the process of optimizing your website (pages, blog posts, and more) for search engines like Google. If you … Read more

7 Simple Ways to Be More Productive Every Day

Productivity is the amount of work done in a given period of time. Productivity is important because it relates to income and time. The more productive you are, the more money you can earn in many situations. You can also save time. That time can be spent on anything you like, including making more money. There … Read more

Top Five Podcasts for Business Owners

Best Podcasts for Practical Tips on Growing Your business

As a business owner, I have learned a great deal about business from the podcasts listed below. These podcasts have helped me make more money and have more impact. In addition, I’ve learned how to do email and social media marketing just by listening to these free resources. I hope you find this list helpful.  … Read more

How to Create a Fascinating Sales Page

A Great Sales Page is a Must. A great sales page is an absolutely essential part of any sales funnel. The sales/landing page is what ultimately leads a person to open up their wallet, take out their credit card, and buy from you. If you have a mediocre sales page, you simply won’t make many sales. A … Read more

Best Planners for Entrepreneurs

I was just in ClickUp, checking out what tasks I had left for today or making sure my assignments were ready for tomorrow. I probably checked my 90X Planner earlier to ensure I was still on task. These are my two main ways of making sure I get things done.  I want to share with … Read more

How I Landed Four Clients My First Month of Business

Virtual assistants are an in-demand profession, offering the opportunity to work remotely and perform administrative tasks for companies large and small. The duties of a virtual assistant can be wide-ranging, but they often include tasks like social media, administrative tasks, email marketing, and more.  Thinking of becoming a virtual assistant? I’ll give you tips on … Read more

Top Ten Seo Tips and Tricks

SEO is optimizing your website (pages, blog posts, and more) for search engines like Google. If you understand and do it right, you can get significant traffic from search engines.  To get traffic to your website, it’s essential to understand Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Here are some SEO website tips for beginners. You can do … Read more

How to Manage Your Calendar

Keeping appointments and deadlines in a calendar is essential. Without one, unless you’ve got a fabulous memory (I don’t), things go bad quickly! Unfortunately, many people still struggle with electronic calendar set up, something I see with clients every day. This is how it usually happens: They have a job before they start their business, and … Read more

Why Use Pinterest for Business?

First, Pinterest is not a social media tool. It is more like Google with pretty images. It’s a visual search engine. When people are searching Pinterest, they are looking for how to do something or to get an idea.  How it is helpful for business owners If you want to reach an audience of over … Read more

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