Best Planners for Entrepreneurs

I was just in ClickUp, checking out what tasks I had left for today or making sure my assignments were ready for tomorrow. I probably checked my 90X Planner earlier to ensure I was still on task. These are my two main ways of making sure I get things done.  I want to share with … Read more

How I Landed Four Clients My First Month of Business

Virtual assistants are an in-demand profession, offering the opportunity to work remotely and perform administrative tasks for companies large and small. The duties of a virtual assistant can be wide-ranging, but they often include tasks like social media, administrative tasks, email marketing, and more.  Thinking of becoming a virtual assistant? I’ll give you tips on … Read more

Top Ten Seo Tips and Tricks

SEO is optimizing your website (pages, blog posts, and more) for search engines like Google. If you understand and do it right, you can get significant traffic from search engines.  To get traffic to your website, it’s essential to understand Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Here are some SEO website tips for beginners. You can do … Read more

How to Manage Your Calendar

Keeping appointments and deadlines in a calendar is essential. Without one, unless you’ve got a fabulous memory (I don’t), things go bad quickly! Unfortunately, many people still struggle with electronic calendar set up, something I see with clients every day. This is how it usually happens: They have a job before they start their business, and … Read more

Why Use Pinterest for Business?

First, Pinterest is not a social media tool. It is more like Google with pretty images. It’s a visual search engine. When people are searching Pinterest, they are looking for how to do something or to get an idea.  How it is helpful for business owners If you want to reach an audience of over … Read more

Why Do You Procrastinate? And How to Stop.

Nearly every day, clients and prospective clients come to me with a big idea or project they want to tackle. Some are brimming with excitement, others with concern. Either way, some jump right in while others just seem to stall. Procrastination is something we’ve all been guilty of now and then. (My particular form of … Read more

Virtual Assistant 101

Hire a Virtual Assistant For Your Tasks A virtual assistant isn’t just a luxury anymore. It’s a necessity. Whether you’re an entrepreneur or high-level executive, a virtual assistant can easily double your productivity. We often spend our precious time on non-value-added tasks that would be better put in the hands of someone else. What can … Read more

Why Business Owners Need an Admin Virtual Assistant

As a business owner, you always look for ways to save time and money. One way to do that is by hiring an admin virtual assistant. An admin virtual assistant can help with various customer service and bookkeeping tasks. Not only will an admin VA save you time, but they can also help you make … Read more

How to Create a Personal Brand

What Is a Personal Brand? ● A personal brand is much more than a flashy logo or a color palette. A personal brand goes far beyond having a nice-looking Instagram page. A personal brand is not just about having a website with your name on it, although that’s certainly part of it. ● Your personal … Read more

What to Include in a Business Plan & Do You Need One?

Most soloprenuers may not necessarily require a business plan. However, having a well-structured plan can bring advantages. Think of a business plan as a roadmap that guides you. What is your business purpose? Whom do you aim to serve? Who are your competitors? How will you market your business? What profit do you wish to … Read more

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